The ORD is supervised by the Vice President for Research and Development. Under the instruction of the NTU President, the Vice President is in charge of the planning and promotion of academic research and development at NTU. The Research and Development Committeeconsists of 11 members appointed by the NTU President, all of whom are full-time professors or research fellows from each college. At present, there are five divisions under the Office of Research and Development: 1) Division of Strategic Planning, 2) Division of Research Project Affairs, 3) Center of Industrial-Academic Cooperation, 4) Research Ethics Office, and 5) Division of Industrial-Academic Services.
The responsibilities of each division are as follows:
Division of Strategic Planning: Management of research resources and grant applications
Division of Research Project Affairs: Management of research projects
Center of Industrial-Academic Cooperation: Patent technology transfer and startup incubation
Division of Industrial-Academic Services: Management of industrial-academic cooperation projects and research space