Project Application
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Call for Proposals: 2025-2027 NSTC-NERC Joint Research Program
Date of Announcement
(The Natural Environment Research Council, NERC, UK)

This bilateral cooperation programme is currently open for submissions, and will be implemented with a value-added approach. Taiwan project PIs must be currently conducting a NSTC sponsored research project. After selecting and recommending the applications, NSTC will approve international cooperation grants based on the project. 


The purpose of this project is to encourage collaborative research between researchers from Taiwan and the United Kingdom in the field of "environmental science". Interested applicants shall read through the NSTC regulations on NSTC’s website (https://www.nstc.gov.tw/ ), and follow the steps below:


(1) Complete the online application on NSTC's website.
(2) Download the “NTU Application Form for NSTC Grant for the International Cooperative Project.”
(3) Once the head and dean of the executive department/institute have affixed their signatures or seals, please email the completed form to the Division of Research Project Affairs (RPA).


The deadline for submission is by 17:00, on Monday, 31 Mar., 2025. 
Please synchronize your online application with the NSTC system before the deadline to allow the university to compile and send submissions to NSTC as scheduled.


Contact Person for RPA regarding the project: Ms. Ya-Yin Liu
Phone number: (02) 3366-6309
Email: yayinliu@ntu.edu.tw

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