NTU and External Awards and Grants
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Research Promotion Program for Direct-Entry Doctoral Degree Program Students

This program is aimed at fostering the research potential of graduate students of the Ph.D. direct-entry program and help elevate NTU’s research quality.

Details, Amount, and Duration of the Grant
  1. Payments will be made during the awarded student’s first to sixth semester at NTU. For those who have enrolled since 2021/ 2022 second semester, the monthly payout includes NT$20,000 (tax-exempted) paid by NTU and NT$8,000 paid by the student’s affiliated college (including the department, graduate school, center, or project principal investigator). Since 2024/ 2025 First Semester, the monthly payout includes NT$24,000 (tax-exempted) paid by NTU and NT$8,000 paid by the student’s affiliated college .
  2. For those who have enrolled before 2021/ 2022 second semester, the monthly payout stays at NT$16,000 paid by NTU. The college (including the department, graduate school, center, or project principal investigator) shall clearly advise the student of the source of funding and details of payments.
  3. NTU approves grant payovuts based on the number of Ph.D. students admitted by each college through the Ph.D. direct-entry program.
  • Admissions quota for the Ph.D. direct-entry program: 40% of the MoE-approved total Ph.D. student intake places of each college.
  • If the direct-entry program Ph.D. admissions of a college approved by the Office of Academic Affairs in the previous academic year reaches 1/3 of the direct-entry quota of that college (rounded down to the nearest integer), the University will approve and pay out grants.
  • The amount of grant payment for each college is 1/3 of the number of newly approved awardees of this grant of the semester (rounded up to the nearest integer) multiplied by NT$96,000.
  • The payments may only be made to awarded students. The list of awarded students, amounts, and the number of awardees are decided by each college.
  1. Recipients of this grant who publish in leading international journals (e.g. Nature, Science, Cell) or journals on NTU’s list of excellence periodicals (see download link below) as the first author or corresponding author during their first to sixth semesters are eligible for receiving additional grant payments for four more semesters. Eligible students may apply by providing documents of proof for their publications before the end of the sixth semester. The amount of the additional payment is NT$28,000 per month. For those who have enrolled before the spring semester of 2022, the monthly payout stays at NT$24,000 paid by NTU. Each published paper may only be applied by one student.
Application Dates and Deadlines

2024/ 2025 First Semester:

  1. Renewal applications should be submitted to ORD by Feb 26, 2025.
  2. Publications grant: Students must submit their application within 30 days after their paper is accepted for publication. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
How to Apply

In order to promote paperless operations, only electronic applications will be accepted. All colleges are requested to send it to ORD by the electronic official document with file attached (or link) within the specified time schedule.

  1. 1 folder for 1 student。Please name the folder by student’s name.
  2. Please download and fill in the "application form" in the “New Applicant” or the “Renewal” folder of the project to be applied for, and attach all the "necessary additional documents" then submit your folder to your department/institution. The contact person of the department/institution will collect and submit them to the college in charge.
Approval Procedures
  1. From students to college:ORD respects the college’s electronic form processing policy, but it is recommended that at least an "electronic signature" (jpeg or png... etc.) should be added at each stage to show that it has passed the process check. If emails are used as approval, please attach the emails as evidence.
  2. From colleges to the Office of Research and Development (Hereinafter referred to as ORD):Please submit all the application folders to ORD by the electronic official document with folders attached (or by link, which is strongly recommended). The signature of the Dean of College on the application form could be replaced by the signature on the electronic official document system.
  1. Applicants shall submit the required documents to the ORD within the announced deadline to receive the grant after review.
  2. If a recipient changes advisor, the ORD will verify if both of the new advisor and the previous one are conducting an NSTC research project when a renewal application is submitted. The recipient will receive the grant after review.
  3. Recipients of this grant are not allowed to receive other scholarship or stipend for international students bestowed by a government agency/organization. (e.g. Taiwan Scholarship). Each college shall advise the students of relevant regulations regarding funding sources, including the tax exemption status of funding.
  4. According to Article XIV Paragraph 3 of the Regulations on Mainland Chinese Students Attending Junior College or Other Higher Education Institutions in Taiwan, central government agencies and their subordinate entities shall not budget for scholarships or aids for Mainland Chinese students; Schools shall not use central government funding for the purposes of scholarships or aids for mainland Chinese students. As such, mainland Chinese students are not eligible for this program.
  5. The number of "newly approved awardees of this grant of the semester" for the calculation of grant payout to each college does not include renewals.
  6. Deadlines for colleges to use grant payout: from August to the end of December for the fall semester and February to the end of July for the spring semester
Contact person
Mr. Tseng-Hui Hsu
File download:
Presentation File of the “Direct-Entry Doctoral Degree Program” Seminar 1100312
File size: 870kb
NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Higher Education SPROUT Project Directives Governing Research Promotion Program Subsidy for Direct-Entry Doctoral Degree Program Students
File size: 149kb
File size: 389kb