
Incentivizing Measures


The University takes proactive measures to promote interdisciplinary research among students and faculty members by offering various resources for both individuals and research teams. The Interdisciplinary Programs and the Specialization Programs provide students with opportunities to systematically cultivate interdisciplinary research abilities. The International Collaboration Seed Funding and NTU Core Consortiums provide faculty members with the necessary resources and guidance from experienced faculty members to establish interdisciplinary research teams. The International collaboration research projects provide a platform for advanced strategic cooperation across borders. Furthermore, the NTU University-level Research Centers are larger-scale international interdisciplinary research teams. In addition, our university, which has a long-standing reputation in the medical field, has encouraged the hospital to increase its research collaborations with the campus colleges and offers scholarships for interdisciplinary programs. The University's interdisciplinary research is a prominent feature that promotes interdisciplinary exchanges and cooperation across different sectors including industry, government, and academia.

教務處 / Office of Academic Affairs

    本校校學士屬新興雙主修型態,讓學生有機會依自身興趣修讀跨學院領域專長等課程,打破了現有學系單一領域的學習框架,並開放學生制定專屬的大學課表及修讀領域名稱 (形同類學系名稱),進行跨域的知識整合。

    The University-level Interdisciplinary Bachelor's program at NTU represents an emerging double major modality, where students have the opportunity to pursue courses in interdisciplinary areas of interest, thus breaking away from the traditional single-field learning framework of existing departments. This enables the creation of personalized university schedules and field-specific names (equivalent to departmental names), facilitating cross-disciplinary knowledge integration.


    With the goal of promoting learner-centered education, NTU launched the College-Level Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Program. A college seeking to establish its college-level interdisciplinary bachelor’s program is required to submit a proposal and formulate its establishment directives, which shall be passed by the College Affairs Meeting, Administrative Meeting, and the Academic Affairs Meeting. The concept of the degree is based on the Specialization Program curriculum. Each college can designate courses and specialization programs (or credit programs/interdisciplinary specializations) as compulsory courses. With a counseling mechanism in place, students can take courses from other departments within the college in a "double major" format outside of their own department. This allows NTU students to explore courses from different fields, preparing them for an unpredictable future. By the end of the first semester of the 2023 academic year, NTU has implemented the College-Level Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Program in the College of Social Sciences, College of Medicine, College of Engineering, and College of Life Sciences, with the College of Liberal Arts and College of Bioresources and Agriculture also in the planning stages.



    Since the implementation of the Specialization Program in the 2021 academic year, a total of 64 NTU academic units have launched 251 specializations by the end of the first semester of the 2023 academic year. Each specialization consists of four to five courses, totaling 12 to 15 credits. Compared with a list-based course selection model, the Specialization Program emphasizes a clear curriculum framework through which each course in the specialization is connected. In this manner, the specialization program provides clearer guidance for students to explore specific professional fields. To lower barriers between departments and provide students with diverse and flexible interdisciplinary learning opportunities, NTU encourages different academic units to lift related restraints on course enrollment in the Specialization Program. The specializations have become the cornerstone of the College-wide and University-Wide Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Programs, enabling students to flexibly integrate various fields of study according to their interests and study plans. In addition, students’ achievements will be noted on a customized NTU academic certificate that demonstrates students’ professional expertise and interdisciplinary learning outcomes to facilitate further career or academic pursuits.


    As society evolves and the demand for talents increases, NTU offers over 10,000 different academic courses in English and Chinese each semester, allowing students to freely pursue minors or double majors for cross-departmental learning in compliance with the university’s regulations. This enables students to acquire a more diverse range of knowledge, think from a broader perspective, stimulate their potential, and develop multi-faceted professional abilities. Additionally, students can cultivate a more competitive advantage in the future job market, enhance their employment prospects, and expand their research foundations. Popular minors include psychology, economics, political science, and computer science & information engineering. Each year, approximately 1,400 students apply for minors, with about 490 being approved, resulting in an approval rate of roughly 35%. For double majors, there are approximately 1,450 applicants annually, with around 480 approvals, yielding an approval rate of about 33%. Economics, political science, law, and psychology are among the most popular majors for double majoring.


    To foster the systematic study of interdisciplinary courses and broaden diverse learning opportunities, NTU has offered the Interdisciplinary Credit Program since the 1997 academic year. By the end of the first semester of the academic year 2023, NTU has launched a total of 44 related programs.

    本校借鏡國外「學術建議」經驗,於 110 年 8 月成立全國首創學習規劃辦公室。透過學習規劃師與學生一對一的會談,評估學生需求、釐清過往學習歷程,並運用自我探索、學習路線輔導等方式,輔以同儕、專家顧問諮詢等媒合服務,協助學生進一步連結校內外學習資源,擬定後續行動目標與實際可行之學習路徑。此外,本校極力建構一個具有安全感的場域,讓學生在此可以鼓起勇氣、大膽想像、放心嘗試,深化專業知能或跨領域的結合,並善用可觸及的資源,適性發展,發揚人才價值。

    Drawing inspiration from international "academic advising" experiences, NTU established the nation’s first Academic Advising Office (AAO) in August 2021. Through one-on-one meetings between academic advisors and students, the AAO assesses students' needs, clarifies their past learning experiences, and employs methods of self-exploration and guidance on learning pathways. This approach is complemented by Peer and Professional Mentor Consultation matchmaking services, helping students further connect with learning resources both inside and outside NTU, and to formulate subsequent action goals and viable learning paths. Besides, NTU is committed to creating a safe space where students can muster courage, imagine boldly, try with assurance, deepen professional competencies or achieve interdisciplinary integration, and utilize accessible resources for aptitude development, thereby enhancing the value of individual talents.

研究發展處 / Office of Research and Development

國際事務處 / Office of International Affairs


    National Taiwan University (NTU) has implemented the NTU International Collaboration Seed Funding and Joint Seed Funding programs with the objective of expanding NTU's network with strategic chosen partners. These initiatives are designed to facilitate potential bilateral collaboration projects with our strategic partners, while also fostering active participation in international collaboration among young scholars and students. Strategic partners are selected on an annual basis based on past exchanges and future prospects. The allocated funding is utilized to facilitate faculty and student mobility, the organization of international conferences, workshops or forums, as well as the provision of short-term lectures and course offerings. The overarching goal is for these collaborative initiatives to serve as the focal point for international interdisciplinary research efforts aimed at addressing pressing global challenges. It is anticipated that these endeavors will not only attract additional scholars with shared interested but also foster increased research synergy within the academic community.

醫學院 / College of Medicine


The Medical College actively promotes interdisciplinary research for faculty and student involvement. Faculty are encouraged to form research interest groups based on individual interests, reinforcing support for long-standing research topics and boosting productivity through new perspectives and collaborations. The college welcomes faculty at various levels and both internal and external participants, providing subsidies for team activities.

For students, the college offers the GIP-TRIAD Master’s Degree in Agro-Biomedical Science and the Intelligent Medicine Program. Students are urged to take relevant courses systematically, fostering diverse learning opportunities. The Intelligent Medicine Program blends medical and information technology, developing students' skills in programming, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, big data, and pharmaceutical expertise. Simultaneously, the GIP-TRIAD Master’s Degree in Agro-Biomedical Science Program provides scholarships to encourage students to gain professional knowledge in agriculture, biotechnology, and medical science.

生物資源暨農學院 / College of Bio-Resources & Agriculture



In order to cultivate students' knowledge and methods of applied communication and marketing, the Department of Biology-Industry and Communication and Development has carried out preliminary planning to optimize and improve the teaching space in 112. The department started selecting future classroom sites and inviting construction teams for evaluation at the beginning of 2012. In the middle of the year, it completed the bid administrative work in accordance with school procedures and successfully completed the project in 2012. I believe it can provide considerable help for future group discussion courses, optimize the department's teaching in the fields of agriculture and communication, and attract outstanding students to join.

In addition, in order to further stimulate students' media creation potential and provide them with opportunities to actually practice media production skills, the department invited architects to plan the construction of a recording studio in the second half of the year. It is expected that students will be able to actively participate in audio and video recording, which will not only help them become more competitive in the future job market, but also further improve the practical media teaching environment of our department. The follow-up of this case will be carried out in accordance with the school's administrative procedures. It is expected that after the construction of the recording studio is completed, it will enrich the teaching energy of the department in the field of communication, allowing teachers and students to have a diverse teaching space.

管理學院 / College of Management


Marketech International Corp., acknowledges the devotion to talent cultivation and recruitment of NTU College of Management; hence, donating fundings to establish The Data Analytics and Digital Transformation Research Center (DADT).



At the level of the management school, a special budget is allocated every year to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration among teachers from different departments, with over ten research projects being rewarded. At the department level of the accounting department, interdisciplinary collaboration projects are encouraged through the ""NTU SCS Research Center"" of the department itself.



The Department of Finance has established the Finance and Mathematics Joint Scholarship to encourage students to explore interdisciplinary knowledge. Students from the Department of Finance and the Department of Mathematics who take courses offered by the other department or conduct research under the supervision of faculty members from the other department are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

國際學院 / NTU International College

國際學院著力設立跨領域、全英語授課國際學位學程,致力培養國際人才,著重於世界重大議題與聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs),提供學生以問題為導向的學習與訓練 (Problem based learning),以解決人類實際所面臨的關鍵問題。

With a strong emphasis on internationalization, NTU International College offers a distinctive range of cross-disciplinary, problem-solving-based English-taught programs that tackle global challenges and align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. From cutting-edge research areas to comprehensive industry internships, all programs are meticulously designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to make a significant impact in today's dynamic world.


全球農業科技與基因體科學碩士學位學程 / M.S. in Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science (Global ATGS) https://atgs.ntu.edu.tw/

Global ATGS 學程目標在培養智慧農業和前瞻農業生物技術之國際學術及產業領導人才,學程聚焦農業生物技術及智慧農業兩大領域,培養學生具備智慧農業技術、基因體科學研究與育種科學技術等核心能力。

Global ATGS trains talents in emerging agricultural biotechnologies and smart agriculture. The curriculum focuses on digital agriculture production and management, agricultural genomics, plant biotechnologies, and breeding science. The program has a strong relationship with many international research organizations and provides internship opportunities for students to learn inside or outside academic settings.


生物多樣性國際碩士學位學程 / M.S. in Biodiversity (MPB) https://mpb.ntu.edu.tw/

MPB 學程主要目標在於培養新世代具專業素養與國際視野的生物多樣性保育實務管理人才,並從多元角度探討生物多樣性治理,學程聚焦生物多樣性科學、及生物多樣性保育與利用兩大主軸,結合野外探勘調查以及實地教學,擴展學生視野。

MPB is cross-disciplinary in nature and aims to cultivate talent with theoretical knowledge, practical skills in biodiversity conservation and management, and awareness of international biodiversity governance. The curriculum is designed to equip students with transformative skills and new technologies to conserve biodiversity and incorporate it into policy-making and business in considering the socioeconomic gains of saving biodiversity.


智慧醫療與健康資訊碩士學位學程 / M.S. in Smart Medicine and Health Informatics (Smart MHI)https://smartmhi.ntu.edu.tw/

Smart MHI 學程旨在培育精準健康產業相關國際專業人才,學程聚焦個人智慧化醫療、人工智慧與機器學習、以及生醫數位訊號及處理三大主軸,涵蓋全球智慧醫療領域前瞻發展趨勢與實務實作經歷,培養學生具備計算思維、基礎生理知識、問題解決能力。

Smart MHI aims to cultivate international professionals in the precision health industry. The curriculum focuses on Personalized and Smart Medicine, Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning, and Biomedical Signal Processing, equipping students with rewarding careers in the healthcare industry. Hands-on training and field experience are part of the curriculum that prepares students for future career development.


防災減害與韌性碩士學位學程 / M.S. in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (MDR3)https://mdr3.ntu.edu.tw/

MDR3 學程旨在培育統合災害防救人才,學程聚焦環境韌性規劃及防災技術發展兩大主軸,結合自然工程與社會人文領域,橫跨結構工程、氣象及地理資訊、土地規劃與治理等面向,以綜合培養學生在智慧防災、災損評估、自然解方、氣候正義等氣候變遷關鍵議題上的能力。

MDR3 aims to cultivate industry leaders and scholars with a holistic vision to invest in sustainability efforts. The courses are designed to provide students with an integrated view and capacity in the globally emergent areas of intelligent disaster prevention and management, loss and damage assessment, nature-based solutions, and resilience planning for climate justice.