Project Application & Related Information
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Excellence in Key Advantages Program (NTU Core Consortiums and Competitiveness Programs)

To foster new and leading generation of researchers, to guide development of research areas, and to establish core and distinctive research teams with NTU features. As a seeding program, to facilitate acquiring of external and international resources and studying of key topics.To advance NTU’s research reputation, to promote research ideas originating from NTU or with high NTU contribution, and to promote international research collaboration.

Project Investigator (PI) Composition

I. Team Composition: At least one-third of the Principal Investigators of the Subprojects must be assistant (or associate) professors/research fellows or recruited but not yet appointed faculty members or research fellows.

II. Chief Principal Investigator Eligibility:

1. Certified (quota-based) full-time NTU faculty member or research fellow concurrently undertaking an NSTC/NHRI project.

2. NTUH full-time attending physicians or Ph.D. level personnel equivalent to an assistant professor (eligibility determined by NTUH) concurrently undertaking an NSTC/NHRI project.

III. Subproject Principal Investigator Eligibility:

  1. The Principal Investigator of a Subproject must be a certified (quota-based) full-time NTU faculty member or research fellow.
  2. Personnel hired by the NTUH must be full-time attending physicians or Ph.D. level personnel equivalent to an assistant professor (eligibility determined by NTUH).
  3. NTU recruited non-quota-based international scholars such as Yushan Fellows on a short-term exchange program, Distinguished Chair Professor for Research, Distinguished Chair Professor, or other equivalent eligible outstanding international scholars. The Scholar mentioned above shall be able to actually implement the Project and be appointed by the University for at least 3 months during the year of implementing the Project. When turning in the Annual Report of the Project, the letter of appointment from NTU for the following year shall be attached and confirm whether the scholar will continue implementing the project for the following year.
  4. The approved budget list will be given to the Principal Investigator of the Subproject (one approved budget list per subproject). After approval, the Chief Investigator of the Main Project or the Principal Investigator of a Subproject cannot be changed.
  5. For the NTU recruited international scholars, as in preceding paragraph (3), a certified (quota-based) full-time NTU faculty member or research fellow should be listed as Co-Investigator when applying. The approved budget list is given to the PI of the Subproject, and the Co-Investigator can execute the grant on behalf of the PI.

4. Co-Investigator

Each sub-project only has one sub-project PI, with the rest being Co-Investigator. Co-investigators will assist in the implementation of the research (for example, providing relevant techniques, samples, or consulting assistance) and are not included in the calculation of the composition ratio of project members. Apart from the Co-Is who are assisting international scholars to execute the project grant (as mentioned in the preceding paragraph), the rest cannot receive the project grants.

Proposal Preparation and Reviewing (individual research projects are not supported)

I. Project Framework

  1. Number of Subprojects: 3 (minimum) to 6 (maximum); no grants are provided if fewer than 3 Subprojects
  2. The Project's Chief Investigator must also be the Principal Investigator of one of the project's Subprojects

II. Research Proposal and Key Review Considerations

  1. Proposal Content

(1) 4 pages for the Main Project and 3 pages for each Sub-Project, and total page restriction of 30 pages in principle, including abstract, background and current status, methods, and approach, goals, significance, and research budget (the maximum grant amount for each subproject is NT$1,200,000 in principle), project integration, and references. English and Chinese research proposals are both accepted.

(2) If any of the PIs on the team have previously conducted or are currently conducting the Core Consortium Project or Academic Research-Career Development Project: Sprout Project, they must report the previous research product of the abovementioned projects as an attachment to the project proposal for the pitch. This will not be considered in the 3-page limit. Additionally, prior Core Consortium Project PIs should provide a summary of the key accomplishments.

(3) PI Personal Information: CV of PIs (NSTC C301, CM302, C303 forms), Major Research Accomplishments in the Recent 5 Years

(4) For those intending to apply for 2025’s 1st NTU International Cooperation Add-on Project, please also attach the application form with the Main Project Proposal.

2. Reviewing Key Considerations

(1) Research topics, areas, and projects with future prospects, potential impacts, and NTU advantage.

(2) Advancement towards interdisciplinary integration and international competitiveness.

(3) Principal investigator’s academic performance (Such as Impact of publication and core competence.
(4) Integration and synergy between subprojects, planning, and organization to achieve the common goal of the Project.


Grant and its Use

I. Duration of project funding: in principle, Jan. 1, 2025, to Dec. 31, 2027 (for 3 years), subject to the proposal's review decision.

(II) Amount of funding: The grant amount for each subproject is subject to the review decision and the University's overall budget. The detailed budget allocation is not needed at the project application stage. PI will be asked to provide the budget allocation when the project is recommended.

(III) The funding will be supported by NTU or NTUH according to each PI's main employment/appointment. The funding usage then follows NTU or NTUH regulations.

(IV) The application of NTU International Cooperation Add-on Project funding will be reviewed and approved according to the corresponding call for proposal and submission requirements.

(V) A certified (quota-based) full-time NTU faculty member or research fellow can execute at most one ORD-administrated research project (including the Core Consortium Project, Academic Research-Career Development Project: Sprout Project, and Jade Picking Projects), but excluding matching funds, new faculty related starting funds/supports, and Seed Projects for Interdisciplinary Research. Those involved in more than one such projects should select funding for only one. After selection, the team’s composition shall still meet the requirements of at least 3 Subprojects, and 1/3 of the Principal Investigators of the Subprojects must be assistant (or associate) professors/research fellows. NTUH personnel follow NTUH regulations (limited to 1 project application and execution). 

Application Procedure

Please upload all project-related files to the ORD online project application system via the ORD website (https://ord.ntu.edu.tw). Click "Application Systems/NTU Projects Application System," log in, and upload project information. With Chief PI, Co-PI's online confirmation, submit to ORD online before 23:59 October 15, 2024 (Tuesday). No late applications will be accepted.


Online application system link: https://rb.gy/rnxmmj

Funding related information
File download:
Budget reallocation form (12.18.2024)
File size: 14kb
Contact Person

Hsiao Chun-ju

Telephone: (02)3366-6627

Email: cjhsiao@ntu.edu.tw

File download:
National Taiwan University Higher Education SPROUT Project Directives Governing Project Subsidies for Promoting Advantageous Research in Key Fields
File size: 151kb
Application System Manual
File size: 2529kb
2025-2027 NTU Core Consortium Calls for Proposal
File size: 447kb
Annual/Full Report Template and Instructions_20250121
File size: 36kb