Project Application & Related Information
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Project Approval and Appeal
Project Approved, Agreement Signing and Request for Fund Disbursement

Starting from June, if the project is approved for funding, the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) will notify the university in batches through approval letters.

Here are the procedures to follow:

  1. The Office of Research and Development (ORD) will import the newly approved project into the project management system. Simultaneously, an automatic email notification will be sent to the principal investigator (PI), providing details of the approved budget list and relevant regulations and instructions from NSTC.
  2. The PI is required to sign the research project execution agreement on NSTC's website within one month or within the specified time frame. Once the agreement is signed, the ORD handler can proceed to request the first installment of funding, which accounts for 50% of the total approved budget.
  3. On a weekly basis, the ORD handler will review the projects that have signed the agreement on NSTC's website. All the necessary documents will be compiled and submitted in bulk to NSTC for processing.
  4. Beginning from the 6th month after the project execution, the ORD handler will request the second installment of funding, which accounts for 50% of the total approved budget, from NSTC on a monthly basis.
  5. After the PIs have submitted the mid-term reports online through NSTC's website two months before the completion of each year's execution period, NSTC will notify the university via approval letters. The university can then proceed to request the first installment of funding for the following year.


  1. When requesting the first installment of funding for the following year, for projects with approved budgets that span multiple years (with the same project number), it is required that each project has a percentage of expenditure exceeding 70%. This percentage is calculated by dividing the actual expenditure by the amount disbursed. If the expenditure falls below 70%, it is necessary to provide a clear explanation of the reasons and obtain approval from NSTC before requesting funding for the next year.
  2. The PIs shall inform the Accounting Office to generate a budget statement (經費收支明細報告表) for the project once the expenditure exceeds 70%. The ORD handler will then compile the necessary documents and submit them in bulk to NSTC to request funding.
Project Not Approved and Appeal Procedure

If the project is not approved for funding, NSTC will notify the university in batches through rejection letters.

Here are the procedures to follow:

  1. The ORD handler will inform the PIs about the non-approval notifications.
  2. For the project proposals which are eligible, as per NSTC's regulations, to submit appeals, the PIs shall submit appeals online through the NSTC's website within the designated deadline. The ORD will then compile the list of appeal applications and submit it to the NSTC, along with an official document from the university.
  3. Once the appeal is approved, please refer to the previously mentioned procedures for "Project Approved, Agreement Signing, and Request for Fund Disbursement."
  4. If the appeal is rejected, the ORD handler will notify the PIs about the result through rejection letters.