1. Time:
Oct. 20, 2020 (Tue.) 14:00-17:00 (doors open at 13:30)
2. Location:
Socrates Hall, GIS NTU Convention Center
(Map:GIS NTU Convention Center website)
3. Registration:
Click the link below to register. Those enrolled will be notified via email.
(Please read the registration procedure: How to Register)
4. Maximum Seats:
This event adheres to stipulations established at the 4th meeting of the North Taiwan Research Participants Protection Union.
(1) Individuals from member institutions that have paid the yearly Union membership fee shall receive priority during registration and enrollment procedures.
(For membership list, please see: 2020 Registered Union Members List )
Individuals from member institutions that have not paid the yearly Union membership fee must wait until after registration closes for any possible vacancies.
Should there be any vacancies remaining after the above-mentioned registration stages, the event may then accommodate individuals from non-Union institutions.
(2) Registration for this event begins today until Oct. 8, 2020 (Thu.) 12:00, or until all vacancies have been filled.
5. Registration Fees:
(1) Individuals from member institutions that have paid the yearly Union membership fees (incl. NTU faculty and students): free (does not incl. NTU alumni)
(2) Individuals from member institutions that have not paid the yearly Union membership fees: NT$500
(3) Individuals from non-Union institutions: NT$500
(4) Those enrolled will be notified via email.
6. Confirmation of Enrollment and Payment
(1) Those who do not include the name of their institution in the registration form will not be accepted. (The term "NTU faculty and students" does not include NTU alumni.)
(2) The Research Ethics Office will notify your enrollment and payment via email.
Please kindly check your email for details. Individuals from member institutions that have paid the yearly Union membership fees (incl. NTU faculty and students): if,within 5 work days after registration, enrollment confirmation has not been sent, please recheck your email and call the Office.
If there are still vacancies left after the final day of registration, individuals from member institutions that have not paid the yearly Union fees and individuals from non-Union institutions shall be filled according to the order in which registration requests were submitted. A registration and payment notice will then be sent via email.
7. Hourly Course Credits:
(1) Completion of the course will grant participants with a certificate of 3 hours of course credits.
(2) To facilitate approval from foreign institutions, certification will be provided in both English and Chinese. Please adhere to the following name format: 王大明 Da-Ming Wang.
If you should request a new certification due to any spelling errors, the Research Ethics Office will charge accordingly.
8. Speakers:
Prof. Li-Chen Cheng, Department of Social Work, NTU
Prof. Tai-Li Chou, Department of Psychology, NTU
9. Contact Person:
Ms. Szu-Ying Tsai, Special Case Manager
TEL: 02-33669980 ext. 15
E-mail: sytsai0302@ntu.edu.tw