Call for proposal: 2025 “前瞻技術產學合作計畫” by National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
The NSTC is accepting applications for the above call starting March 15, 2025, with a submission deadline of 5 pm on May 20, 2025.
The project includes three categories: (1) 前瞻技術研發型計畫 (2) 產學研發中心型計畫 (3) 領先技術發展型計畫. Please review the project guidelines and submission requirements provided by NSTC:
1. Project (1): Fill out the "NSTC Industry-Academia Cooperative Research Program Application (including the conflict of interest declaration form)" and submit the completed form, along with 3 hard copies of the pre-proposal and 1 CD, to the contact person at the Division of Research Project Affairs (RPA) after obtaining the required signatures.
If the pre-proposal is approved, NSTC will notify the selected PIs to submit a full proposal within the deadline.
2. Projects (2) and (3): Fill out the "NSTC Industry-Academia Cooperative Research Program Application (including the conflict of interest declaration form)" and submit the completed form to the contact person at RPA. Simultaneously, kindly finalize the online application in the NSTC system prior to the aforementioned deadline, enabling the university to compile and submit the list to the NSTC on time.
I. Applications including industry matching grants shall comply with Article 6 of the National Taiwan University Directives for Sponsored Projects regarding administrative fees and ownership of research and development results.
II. For inquiries about jointly owned or exclusive licensing agreements, intellectual property expenses, revenue distribution from project outcomes, and research and development results ownership, please contact the Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, Office of R&D in advance at 3366-9945.
III. In the "Additional Notes" section of the "NSTC Industry-Academia Cooperative Research Program Application (including the conflict of interest declaration form)," please indicate whether the project is involved in the research of national core technologies. Specify the areas involved and their level of significance if applicable, or state "Not applicable to national core technology research" if not involved.