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NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Regulations for the Establishment of the Recusal Review Committee
Date of Announcement


[Promulgated on December 01, 2023]



Regulations for the Establishment of the Recusal Review Committee



May 20, 2014           Passed by the 2,812th Administrative Meeting

February 19, 2019      Passed by the 3,030th Administrative Meeting

October 31, 2023      Passed by the 3,157th Administrative Meeting

December 01, 2023      Promulgation of all amended articles



Article 1           National Taiwan University (NTU or "the University") formulates the NTU Regulations for the Establishment of the Recusal Review Committee (“the Regulations”) in order to establish the Recusal Review Committee (“the Committee”), which shall oversee all matters relating to conflict-of-interest recusal and information disclosure pertaining to technology transfers.

Article 2           The Committee shall be responsible for the following tasks:

1.          Determining the types of interests to be disclosed and the method of disclosure

2.          Deliberating on cases relating to conflict-of-interest recusal

3.          Overseeing internal management of conflict-of-interest recusals and disclosures

4.          Other matters relating to conflict-of-interest recusal

Article 3           The Committee shall comprise 5 to 11 members (inclusive of the convener), the composition of which shall be as follows:

1.    An Executive Vice President of the University, the Vice President for Research and Development, and the Director of the Center of Industry-Academia Collaboration, Office of Research and Development shall serve as ex officio members, while the remaining Committee members shall comprise academics and experts from within and outside of NTU appointed by the President of the University.

2.       Appointed members shall serve a two-year term and may be reappointed consecutively. If a seat becomes vacant during a term, the successor may only serve out the original term.

The executive vice president shall serve as convener of the Committee, and shall be responsible for calling meetings and serving as chair.

Membership on the Committee shall be uncompensated, but members not affiliated with the University may be offered consultation fees, travel  expense reimbursements, and honorariums as appropriate.

Article 4           The If the convener is unable to call or attend a meeting, a member may be appointed as acting convener.

With the exception of ex officio members, committee members may not appoint a representative to attend Committee meetings on their behalf.

Article 5           Committee resolutions shall be passed with a majority vote held with more than half of its members in attendance. Alternatively, committee resolutions shall be passed by the approval of more than half of all Committee members, who shall be notified of the vote by the convener.

Committee members shall recuse themselves in the event of a conflict of interest. The chair of the Committee may move to recuse members who fail to do so themselves.

Recused Committee members shall not count towards the number of members present at Committee meetings or voting on resolutions.

Article 6           The convener may seek the opinion of 1 to 2 designated Committee members when deliberating on conflict-of-interest recusal cases. If necessary, professionals from outside of the University may be invited to attend meetings and provide professional opinions as non-voting delegates. All meeting attendees shall sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Article 7           The Regulations shall be passed by the Administrative Meeting and then implemented on the date of promulgation.

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國立臺灣大學利益迴避審查委員會設置辦法NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Regulations for the Establishment of the Recusal Review Committee
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